Saturday, September 10, 2011

Shall We Kiss?

  • While on a job in Nantes one evening, Emilie encounters Gabriel. Although they're both attracted to each other, they each already have someone in their life. What's more, they know that they will probably never see each other again. Even so, he'd like to kiss her. She'd also like to kiss him. But something prevents them from doing so: a story of a married woman and her best friend overcome by the
While traveling to Nantes for one evening, Emilie meets Gabriel. Equally seduced by one another, but both otherwise committed, they know they will probably never see each other again. He would like to kiss her. She as well, but a story prevents her from doing so: that of a married woman and of her best friend who were surprised by the effects of a kiss. Of a kiss that should have born no consequences.


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