Friday, November 11, 2011

The Best of Dudley Do-Right, Vol. 1

  • DoRight always does right somehow! He's back! The only Mountie ever to arrest a redwood tree . for loitering!!! With a little dumbluck, this squarejawed Canadian always gets his man." .Featuring Dudley's most hilarious casefiles!Learn how he joined the Mounties in "Mother Whiplash's Log Jam"! Empathize with his unrequited love for the fair and lovely Nell in "Niagara Falls." Pity his
BASED ON THE CLASSIC CARTOON SERIES, THE FILM FOLLOWS THE HILARIOUS EXPLOITS OF THE DEDICATED BUT HAPLESS DUDLEY. DUDLEY MUST FACE THE EVIL SNIDELY WHIPLASH WHO PLANS TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD. SET IN THE CANADIAN ROCKIES, DUDLEY BECOMES A MASKED MAN ON A MISSION AS HE TRIES TO DEFEAT THE VILLIAN.DoRight always does right somehow! He's back! The only Mountie ever to arrest a redwood tree ... for loitering!!! With a little dumbluck, this squarejawed Canadian always gets his man." .Featuring Dudley's most hilarious ca! sefiles!Learn how he joined the Mounties in "Mother Whiplash's Log Jam"! Empathize with his unrequited love for the fair and lovely Nell in "Niagara Falls." Pity his pathetic allergy in "Marigolds"! Each cartoon pits him against that nefarious ne'erdowell Snidely Whiplash! Wittily written and voiced, these timeless classics are a fond salute to oldtime melodrama and remain some of the funniest cartoons ever made.


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